New Publication!

Neuronal injury can cause mitochondrial damage, leading to reduced energy production, decreased Ca2+ storage capacity, and increased reactive oxygen species. A new study reveals a mechanism to trigger the axonal transport of previously anchored mitochondria and promote neuroprotection and axon regeneration by replacing damaged with functional mitochondria. Check out the full article to learn more by clicking the link below! LINK: Neurobiology: Resetting the axon’s batteries…

Dissertation Defense – Lucas Huffman

Please join us for the defense of Lucas Huffman “More than Clearing the Clutter: The Imperative Role of Efferocytosis in Repair and Reprogramming in the Damaged Nervous System” Date: Friday, June 25, 2021 Time: 10AM EST Location: Zoom “More than Clearing the Clutter: The Imperative Role of Efferocytosis in Repair and Immune Reprogramming in the Damaged Nervous System” Dr. Roman Giger, Chair Evolutionarily, the nervous…